BRIGHTON | harmony, sea & seagulls

brighton_pier brighton_o brighton_house shore sea brighton_art brighton_shore brighton_sea brighton_stoneIt feels so good to change your location at least for one day. Especially when we are talking about changing the place from busy London to the calm seaside of the south coast of Great Britain - Brighton. It is just so quite and peaceful there, that you can create a perfect harmony around you. Forests, sea, mountains and nature always inspires me to move on in my life and to think about the future plans more. Cannot regret any second that me and Ruta ( blog ) spent there. So chilly, beautiful and light. I know I will come back soon, Brighton. You are just too close not to be seen again.


  1. Brightonas man visad atrodė toks žavus miestas, labai norėčiau jį aplankyti! :)

    1. tikrai zavus ir yra! Su savu prieskoniu. Net nesitiki, kad taip netoli Londono :)
