A letter to bloggers


Capture a moment. Capture it in your own way, put some filters and whoalia, you're almost a blogger. Yes, indeed. Many people have their Tumblr, Pinterest, Instargram accounts - places where they show their inspirations and share the moments of their lives. However, there is a category of people, who uses almost all the platforms and bring them all to that one platform - their own blog. No need to explain what is a blog. You're visiting one at the moment. Hopefully, you enjoy it and like to visit me from time to time. Yes, my blog - is me. My blog is about my own view to the life. To my life. The life, which might look very colorful, optimistic and only full of happiness. Yes, I am trying to fulfill every second of my life with that, but are the bloggers, who they are or is it only an image?

The best example to write about for me - is me. I know what I do and why I do it. Many people hate others, who post about everything that they like without any reason. Just because they want to. Well, probably I am that kind of person. I won't lie. I like to share. I like to share the moments from my life, because I believe that sharing your happiness with others is good.That is why I started blogging. You might inspire a person to travel, to visit, to enjoy his / hers life. You share, because you think that others might like the same kind of music, clothes or movies as well. They might respond to you and to share something with you as well. You like to share photos, because you want to improve and to show everything through your own lens. And actually, you are improving a lot, while writing a blog. Communication, writing, editing become much easier fields for you.

Blogging is a hobby. Is the way of exploring and enjoying. The real blogging is about sharing from you heart, while the fake one, for the fame. It is not that hard to understand while reading the blogs who is who. Blogging from the heart is an honest wish to inspire someone at least to smile, while the fake blogging is like a must job, without any big reason to post.

Life through the pink glasses. Oh sorry, through the blog. People tend to post and write only about the best things in their lives. And it is normal. I do that sometimes, lots of people do that, but it is not only about it, actually. There are some hard and tiring moments of your life. Honestly, it is about how a blogger creates his / hers image. It might look like you're buying clothes every day, spending your money on good food, while in reality you not only buy it and share it, but you work hard to get it. Bloggers just tend not to mention about it.

But the most important thing is that blogging takes lots of time. If you're writing a blog, you want a response. That is for sure. It means social media, which takes a huge amount of time. Photos, writing and everything else takes time as well. And believe me, sometimes even more than you could think. But it is so good to read a good blog. A quality blog. An inspiring blog. A beautiful blog. Isn't it? And the best responses during the time of blogging makes you feel proud of your own baby - blog. There are some moments, when you're so happy you have it, you enjoy doing it, so why not? It is your hobby, it is your way of expressing yourself. Don't trend to follow the other, be yourself. Don't listen what people around you say. Write what you want to write about, take photos of what you want to take. It is your life and you create it.

I wrote a post about quality blogs on Mr.Cliche yesterday. Check it, to see some nice examples: here


  1. labai grazi nuotrauka :) ir pats postas labai idomus!

  2. Labai labai labai gerai, Auste! Puikios mintys :*

    1. Miela siltus zodzius girdeti, aciu aciu :*

  3. Labai taiklios mintys, Auste! Pati pastebiu, kad i kai kuriuos anksciau megtus blogus, jau net nebenoriu uzeiti, nes ten vien tik teatras. Aisku kai kuriem labai svarbu visais imanomais budais kelti savo populiaruma, bet sprendziant is to kokia informacija dazniausiai siuloma populiariausiouse bloguose, supranti, kad realiam gyvenime niekas taip negyvena. Pirkiniai, keliones, sypsenos , zodziu fab live.Aisku kuris blogeris to nenoretu, bet manau, kad kai blogas tampa kasdieniu darbu, neisvengiama ir rutina, o dar didziule atsakomybe islaikyti populiaruma, reklama ir t.t.Tokie dalykai mano manymu, gerokai smugdo kurybiskuma. Del tos priezasties turbut, tam tikri blogai, kurie prasidejo, kaip hobis isreikst savo tikraja asmenybe, o tapo milijoninemis reklamos kampanijomis, tapo labai sausa medziaga. As pati, dzaniausiai, turedama laisvo laiko, ieskau visokiausiu nauju niekam nezinomu blogu, ir is ju kur kas daugiau gaunu, nei tik kvaila nora pratustinti savo kreditine. Kazkada cia pagalvojau, kad pvz mano blogui jau trys metai, o as turiu tik siek tiek virs simto laiku, jezus marija, galvoju kaip apgeiletina. Pamaniau kad turbut kazka darau ne taip, ir reikia keistis, bet po to, supratau, kad jeigu daryciau tai del populiarumo, nebebuciau as, ir pats bloginimas taptu nasta. Taip kad dizdziulis laikas tau uz "Write what you want to write about, take photos of what you want to take. It is your life and you create it" :)

    1. Tik dabar atsakau, bet labai smagu gauti atsakymu tokia didele zinute. Visiskai pritariu del visu visu minciu... Bloginimas, zinai, ale labai kazkas ypatingo jei prasimusi, as manau, kad jei jau prasimusi reiskias visiems patikai koks ir esi :)
